Vanessa presents a poster and short talk at the 10th Annual Canadian Cancer Immunotherapy Consortium, Montreal, Dec, 13-15
Mike participates in BIRS-CMO Workshop on Challenges and Synergies in the Analysis of Large-Scale Population-Based Biomedical Data, Oaxaca, Mexico, Nov 26 - Dec 1.
Vanessa attends Rendez-vous Genome Quebec, Montreal, Dec,5
Vanessa starts her new position at the PERFORM Center Nov 2017.
Vanessa presents a poster at Cell Symposium on Human Immunity, Banff, Oct 22
Vanessa attends the 4th Annual PERFORM Centre Research Conference, May 19
Mike gives a talk at the Department of Biochemistry, Concordia University.
Sadiq Saleh successfully completed his Ph.D. defense.
Vanessa visits Genomic Health, Redwood City, CA, Feb 20-22.
Our workshop organized with T. Sorlie (Norway) Cancer and the Immune System, Barbados, Jan 20-27
Moved to Concordia Loyola in the Dept. of Biology